An unforgettable
Journey into Heaven
and Back


When Jim Woodford died, he spent eleven hours in Heaven. When he came back, he was changed forever.

Jim was never a religious man. When it came to matters of God and faith, he was ambivalent. But as he lay in the hospital bed, clinically dead for more than 11 hours, his consciousness was transported to the wonders of Heaven and the horrors of hell. When he returned to this world, he brought back the missing piece his soul had been longing for.


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Begin the journey with Jim Woodford through his death—and his arrival in the afterlife. Encounter the sharp claws of destruction that threatened to pull him into eternal darkness, and the six simple words that called forth a supernatural rescue!

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Heaven: An Unexpected Journey


Video Experience Series

Hear the whole story! In this video Experience Series, Jim takes you on an unforgettable journey into Heaven and hell. Encounter the “contrails of prayer” in Heaven’s skies, the “sticky love” of God, what it feels like to hug an angel, and artist renderings of the many things he saw in the afterlife.

7 Video Sessions (Streaming)


Awaken to the vivid sights, sounds and sensations that you can enjoy in Heaven forever, and take comfort in the “six simple words” that led Jim into the Presence of Christ. Whether you need hope for tomorrow or strength for today, this story is your invitation to a radical transformation!



What is Heaven Like?

In this feature moment, excerpted from the Experience Video Series, Jim talks about what death is like, what he saw as he ascended into heaven, and more!

Jim Speaks at the Edge Church- Uploaded by The Edge Church PA on 2018-04-07.

It's Supernatural! Live Event

Sid Roth, host of It's Supernatural!, interviews Jim Woodford about his experiences in the afterlife.

Video Experience Series Trailer

A preview of Jim's incredible story, as told in the video Experience Series.


About the Authors


JAMES WOODFORD was born in Newfoundland, Canada. Losing his father when he was two years old, James grew up in the home of his maternal grandparents. James developed a fascination with aircraft at an early age, as there was a seaplane dock at the edge of the river where the family lived. James became one of the youngest licensed pilots in Canada with a flying career that began at age 19. James flew small aircraft to the remote lakes in the provinces as other routes were generally not available, especially in the rugged winters. He gradually worked his way up to fly larger aircraft until he became captain of a major airline. Having flown from Toronto to Timbuktu, James was well traveled. James also has a love for horses and now resides in New Brunswick, Canada with his wife Lorraine and several horses. James travels in North and South America encouraging the body of Christ with his account of his experience in Heaven, and he also has been a comfort to families of those who have lost loved ones assuring them of the glories of Heaven and the love of God in Jesus Christ.


DR. THOM GARDNER has ministered as a Bible teacher or pastor since 1986 and is now President of Restored Life Ministries, Inc., a ministry dedicated to holistic spiritual formation. He travels internationally to equip leaders throughout the body of Christ by leading retreats and training seminars using his techniques of interactive encounter with the presence of Christ through the Scriptures. He has authored several books, including Healing the Wounded Heart, Relentless Love, Living the God-Breathed Life, The Healing Journey, and Everything that Grows. For more about Thom Gardner, visit